Moore Lies – 5 Pinocchio’s

posted in: Housing Element, Latest News, Rob Moore | 0

Council Member Rob Moore’s “informational update” on the Los Gatos housing situation contains several inaccuracies. He downplays his role in the Town’s failure to meet the Housing Element deadline (January 31, 2023), which led to Builder’s Remedy applications.

A Developers Dream Team – Ristow, Rennie, Sayoc, Moore and Prevetti

posted in: Housing Element, Latest News, Referendum | 0

The LGCA advocated for years for the Town Council to first complete the Housing Element since

1) it would identify the exact number of parcels required to be rezoned to accommodate the RHNA numbers and

2) there was a statutory deadline to accomplish this. There was no statutory deadline to complete the Land Use Element. If the Town missed the deadline to adopt a compliant Housing Element, Town would be subject to the Builder’s Remedy as well as other penalties.

Ristow, Rennie and Moore Need to Resign

This article specifically addresses the Impact of SB 330 projects on Los Gatos and it also addresses the current deficit of affordable housing units as of 9-19-24.   The missteps that have caused this tragedy are staggering and we have listed … Continued

An email To Rob Moore re: the risk to Los Gatos of you not doing your job.

Rob, we would be delighted to sit down with you and fully explain our concern. If you didn’t understand our letter, why not reach out directly and ask us for clarification? Wouldn’t that have been the responsible action to have taken as opposed to posting nonsense on NextDoor? How is that helpful to anyone?

Council to Review the Status of the Referendum on 4-2-24

Elections Code Section 9241 requires that the Town Council either 1) place the referendum on
the ballot for the November 2024 general election or 2) rescind its adoption of the Land Use
Element and the Community Design Element. At its October 2022 meeting, the Town Council
deferred making a decision as to which of these actions to take pending consideration of the
then-upcoming Housing Element adoption. The options are discussed in more detail below.
Once this primary decision has been made, there are other possible steps for the Town Council
to direct staff to take, which are included elsewhere in this document.