The Builders Remedy – Brought to you by Ristow, Moore,Rennie and Prevetti

The harmful development Los Gatos is currently experiencing stems from a failure of leadership. Former Mayor Ristow and council members Moore and Rennie controlled the legislative agenda throughout 2023, failing to adopt a state-compliant Housing Element by the statutory deadline of January 31, 2023. This failure triggered the Builder’s Remedy (California Government Code Section 65589.5), which remained in effect until June 4, 2024, when a compliant Housing Element was finally adopted—16 months late.

A Developers Dream Team – Ristow, Rennie, Sayoc, Moore and Prevetti

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The LGCA advocated for years for the Town Council to first complete the Housing Element since

1) it would identify the exact number of parcels required to be rezoned to accommodate the RHNA numbers and

2) there was a statutory deadline to accomplish this. There was no statutory deadline to complete the Land Use Element. If the Town missed the deadline to adopt a compliant Housing Element, Town would be subject to the Builder’s Remedy as well as other penalties.

Ristow, Rennie and Moore Need to Resign

This article specifically addresses the Impact of SB 330 projects on Los Gatos and it also addresses the current deficit of affordable housing units as of 9-19-24.   The missteps that have caused this tragedy are staggering and we have listed … Continued

The Council Has a Major Mess to Fix and They’re Running Out of Time

An Executive Summary of our letter below to the Town Council.

The staff report for Agenda Item 15 is inaccurate in that it fails to disclose that on November 16, 2023, Staff submitted a November draft of the revised Housing Element to HCD for official review in violation of Government Code Section 65585. We find it hard to understand why Staff would intentionally not disclose this. In our opinion, the lack of transparency and full disclosure has been a consistent theme for the past two Councils led by former mayors’ Rennie and Ristow.  They spanned the development of the Housing Element and were the enablers of Town Manager Prevetti. The cumulative effect of this behavior has led to a growing loss of confidence in Staff and the Town’s latest consultant, Veronica Tam, by the public.