Public pensions are mixing risky investments

More than 20 million Americans are covered by state and local government pensions. Unlike the 401(k) plans found in the private sector, these “defined benefit” plans promise to pay retirees a set amount of money every month for the rest of their lives.

For most public workers, these generous programs are a cornerstone of their financial security; for many, they’re one of the main attractions of government jobs. Yet the plans, by their own reckoning, are underfunded to the tune of $1.6 trillion.

Council to Review the Status of the Referendum on 4-2-24

Elections Code Section 9241 requires that the Town Council either 1) place the referendum on
the ballot for the November 2024 general election or 2) rescind its adoption of the Land Use
Element and the Community Design Element. At its October 2022 meeting, the Town Council
deferred making a decision as to which of these actions to take pending consideration of the
then-upcoming Housing Element adoption. The options are discussed in more detail below.
Once this primary decision has been made, there are other possible steps for the Town Council
to direct staff to take, which are included elsewhere in this document.

The Difference Between a Sustainable Budget and a Balanced Budget

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  A balanced budget isn’t always a healthy one. BY LIZ FARMER | MAY 12, 2014 This is part of an ongoing series called Finance 101 that explains the basics of public finance for public officials. Most states and many municipalities are legally required … Continued