The Builders Remedy – Brought to you by Ristow, Moore,Rennie and Prevetti

The harmful development Los Gatos is currently experiencing stems from a failure of leadership. Former Mayor Ristow and council members Moore and Rennie controlled the legislative agenda throughout 2023, failing to adopt a state-compliant Housing Element by the statutory deadline of January 31, 2023. This failure triggered the Builder’s Remedy (California Government Code Section 65589.5), which remained in effect until June 4, 2024, when a compliant Housing Element was finally adopted—16 months late.

Ristow, Moore, Rennie and Prevetti Try to Get a Tax Passed

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The Finance Commission discussed for over an hour the Staff’s 5 Year Forecast, analyzing the forecast as a whole and carefully listening to the Staff’s presentation and comments. The agenda called for the Finance Commission to make a recommendation to the Town Council to either accept or reject the forecast as presented. The Finance Commission’s role was not to opine on individual assumptions but rather to review and determine whether the Council should rely on the Staff’s work product taken as a whole.