Student Population Projections
by Residence
School Year 2014/2015 Report
Projections 2015/16 – 2024/25
Davis Demographics & Planning, Inc. (DDP) is assisting the Los Gatos Union School District (District) to plan for future student population changes. By factoring current and historical student data with demographic data and planned residential development, DDP calculated a ten-year student population projection. This projection is based upon residence of the students and is designed to alert the District as to when and where student population shifts will occur. Projection factors, trends and development data is based upon the best information at the time of the analysis. This information can change quickly and DDP advises an annual review of projections.
Projection A – No Future Development. – Future kindergarten classes and mobility are the only factors affecting Projection A.
Projection B – Known and Approved Future Development. – Only development that has been approved or are likely to happen are included in Projection B. Projects include Brookside, North Forty, Oak Rim/Blossom Hill, Riviera Terrace and Sister Holy NAmes
Projection C – All Known Future Development. – Projection C includes projects still in the early planning stages and has not been finalized or approved. The projection includes all projects included in Projection B plus Elks Lodge, Higgins, Honda Site, Los Gatos Lodge and Oka Rd/Lark Ave. Click on link below for the full report:
Click on link below for the Power Point Presentation from the LGUSD School Board Meeting:
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